When you have issues with a person in your past or present life it is often helpful to be able to express your ideas and feelings without having to worry about how that person is going to react. The unsent letters part of the program can help you do this in a structured way. You are Read More →
How Forgetting to Put Down a Toilet Seat Can Lead to a Divorce
Unconscious flashbacks - emotionally charged memories that can trigger strong emotional reactions and destructive urges and impulses without ever coming into your conscious mind can cause serious damage because they force you to MAKE UP reasons for your reactions. Women who have been Read More →
The Strangers Within You – Your Emotional and Body Brains
So how can you have emotional reactions that don’t make sense to you, that don’t seem to be under your control? To understand this you have to understand how your brain is wired. Your brain can be divided into 3 parts. Make a fist with your right hand, then cover your fist with your Read More →